The bible compels the Saints of God to take care of the less fortunate, love all people, and minister to the spiritually inept and destitute. At the City of Refuge, our Pastor's vision is to reach as many people and conditions as the lord will allow. With this in mind, several arms of the Church are actively working towards the outcome of “being a vehicle used of the Lord to provide relief and restoration.”
Visiting, sharing scripture, providing encouragement, and praying for those hospitalized or homebound.
Taking the Gospel to those who for what ever reasons are not in a position to hear the word or who do not attend service at a church.
Where do people turn when they face issues? Social services is there for people in times of hardship and provides services (food, clothing, etc.) to assist the overall social well-being of people.
Community Outreach is the practice of looking beyond yourself to the people around you and sharing the love of Christ as you serve and connect with your community.
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